Experience Smart Water
Purification at your doorstep!
Just fill in the details and our representative will ensure that you get a Free Demo of our Water Purifier at the earliest and as per your convenience
To know more, contact the customer care: 1800 2585 710
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BRITA is now available at your service!
As a global organization, BRITA takes the safety and hygiene of its customers and sales and service representatives with utmost seriousness. Hence, we have consistently updated our safety guidelines in line with Government recommendations and ensured our sales and service representatives are trained to strictly adhere to COVID safety guidelines.
Furthermore, our team follows all recommended COVID-19 precautionary measures. Our sales and service representatives are fully vaccinated and are regularly monitored through daily temperature checks and regular COVID-19 tests.
They are trained to follow rigorous safety protocols including use of safety gears and tools during visit to your residence for product demo, delivery or service.
We are operational on all days of the week between 9am to 8pm. For further details, please call our customer care at 1800 2585 710.
#StayHome #StaySafe
*Working days may get changed in accordance with Covid‘19 govt. regulation from time to time.